Are you the general in your business or are you on the front lines engaged in battle? To oversee 11 business entities, five non-surgical orthopedic clinics, become a multifamily investor, and launch a new daily podcast with 60 episodes per month, Dan Handford had to adjust his role to become a true general. He shares how he manages his multiple businesses and what he seeks in the Charlotte MSA and South Carolina markets when opening a medical office, as well as investing in value-add apartments.
Key Market Insights
Opened medical offices in South Carolina: Columbia, North Augusta, Greenville, Charleston, Fort Mills
Specialty clinic being alternative to avoid surgery
Target demos for medical clinics: focus on where the patients are, skewed a bit more older in the 45+ or 55+ range
Target demos for B or C Class Multifamily: more millennial focused, 18-35
Greenville and Charleston have a good mix of both
Office is located near orthopedics, hospitals and older money
Apartments closer to downtown and nightlife
Went to a Mastermind Meetup in the Dominican Republic and discovered Grant Cardone; 10x Rule changed his mindset to set bigger goals
Heard Tai Lopez speak and realized he needed to step away from his practice
Has been able to delegate a lot of work and now runs 11 different entities
South Carolina doesn’t have a primary market, with the closest being in Charlotte, NC
Analyzed 7 different markets and top 3 were Orlando, Charlotte and Raleigh-Durham, before selecting Charlotte
Fort Mill is fastest growing area in South Carolina due to proximity to Charlotte with better tax rates than North Carolina
Average income is $45-$55k income in 3 mile radius around office, in Fort Mill, SC the average income is $105k
Fort Mill is 25 minutes away from Charlotte
Tega Cay is a strong wealth driver and lake community
Charlotte ranked #1 for millennial population growth, rents up 6% last year
Seeks apartments in Gastonia and along the path of Fort Mills to Charlotte
Likes to schedule time on each task and focuses on the each business, just like a patient
Bull’s Eye Tips:
Winning Your Market: Be consistent
Tracking Market Changes: Ask the target market, do focus groups
Daily Habit: Morning coffee and conversations with his wife
Be Obsessed or Be Average by Grant Cardone
Best Business Books:
10x Rule by Grant Cardone
Digital Resources
Tweet This:
“God put us here for a reason and we need to find out why”
“The general never goes to the front line because what happens if you lose the general?”
“Your net worth is in your network”
Places to Grab a Bite:
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